Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wedding Present Commission

Last year, I was commissioned by a good friend, Amanda to do a piece of artwork for her best friend getting married. Her only stipulations where that she wanted to do a large piece, colorful, have some representation of the couple, their love and appreciation of wine, and some place that she can add the date and the couples names. This is what I came up with. Though most of the piece has been finished for sometime, Amanda was having difficulty finding the perfect quote that represented what she wanted to say to her friend. We finally got it together, and here is the final piece.

The most difficult thing about doing commissions is that the client can see your style of artwork, but at the same time, they have it in their heads as to how they want it. The more commissioned pieces I do, the more I am able to ask the right questions so that my client and I are on the same page.


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